Medowie Public School

Futurus Nobis


Work Health and Safety

The NSW Department of Education (DoE) believes the provision of a safe working and learning environment for all is integral and essential to providing public education and other community serivces. The Department is committed to:

  • providing everyone in its workplace with a safe and healthy working and learning environment
  • promoting dignity and respect and taking action to prevent and respond to bullying
  • adopting a preventative and stategic approach to health and safety and monitoring performance
  • supporting and promoting health and wellbeing
  • providing return to work programs to facilitate safe and durable return to work for employees for both work related and non-work related conditions
  • meaningful consultation with employees, their representatives and others on WHS issues
  • providing approripate information, training and instruction to facitlate safe and productive and learning environments
  • providing and effective and accessible safety management system for all employees and others to guide safe working and learning in all workplaces
  • the reporting of incidents so that action can be taken to manage the incident, prevent further incidents, and provide suppot where required
  • providing a program of continuous improvement

Work Health and Safety Policy